Dr. Paul Mason - 'Lies, Bias and Big Pharma: Accident or Design?'
Dr. Ben Bikman - 'GLP-1 Drugs: Consequences and Considerations'
Dr. Paul Mason - 'Trust Issues: How Bad Science Sells Drugs'
Dr. Liz Fraser - 'Truth, Trust and Evidence'
Dr. Anthony Chaffee - 'Ketogenic Carnivore athletes'
Jayne Bullen - 'Changing Consensus'
Dr. Paul Mason - 'Treating concussion: A nutritional perspective'
Dr. Sanjeev Balakrishnan - 'Nutrition For Mental Health'
Dr. Louise Phillips - 'Helping GPs to prescribe low carb'
Dr. Ravi Gornall - 'Leptin and weight loss resistance'
Dr. Hasthi Dissanayake & Timothy Trudgen - 'Traditional Aboriginal Diets & Hope for Health'
Despina Kolivas - 'Defeat Diabetes Research Study: Preliminary Results'
Claire McDonnell Liu - 'ADHD, Autism & Metabolic Health'
Prof. Nasim Salehi - 'A Literature Review of Fasting and Low Carb Diets'
Overfed Yet Undernourished: Real food solutions to Australia's epidemic of dietary ill-health
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on how Vitamin D levels influence fat metabolism
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on the hidden dangers of fructose
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on what really causes heart disease
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on why small dense LDL cholesterol is so harmful
Prof. Jeff Volek on shifting from burning glucose to burning fat
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on why the HbA1C test is so important
Prof. Tim Noakes on the most important driver of modern nutritional advice
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on how constantly eating fructose is making us fat
Prof. Jeff Volek on nutritional ketosis vs ketoacidosis
Prof. Grant Schofield - 'Low carb and beyond How diet affects our health: The plausible mechanisms'
Prof. Jeff Volek on the non-metabolic roles of ketones on a #keto diet
Prof. Jeff Volek on how carbohydrates are converted to saturated fat
Prof. Jeff Volek on the differences between nutritional ketosis and ketoacidosis
Prof. Jeff Volek on the benefits of ketones for energy
Dr. Jason Fung on how we're built for #fasting
A/Prof. Sarah Zaman - 'Ketogenic Diet in the Management of People with Heart Failure'
Dr. Stephen Phinney on burning saturated fat for fuel on #keto
Prof. Tim Noakes on how he developed Type 2 #diabetes
Prof. Jeff Volek on the benefits of #keto in neurology
Dr. Stephen Phinney on how much salt you should eat
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on why cholesterol is good for you
Prof. Jeff Volek on insulin resistance and de novo lipogenesis
Dr. Jason Fung on combining #fasting with any diet
Prof. Tim Noakes on why you never trust consensus guidelines
Dr. Stephen Phinney on overcoming fat phobia on a #ketogenicdiet
Prof. Jeff Volek on zero association between saturated fat and heart disease
A/Prof. Ken Sikaris on how to tell if your doctor understands cholesterol
Dr. Jason Fung on the unique benefits of #fasting
Dr. Ryan Lucas - 'Low Carb Principles in Kids: Rationale and Implementation'
Nina Teicholz - 'Why Nutrition Advice is So Wrong'
Dr. Paul Mason - 'Junk science trashes low carb - a response'
Dr. Benjamin Bikman - 'How insulin resistance interacts with metabolic health'
Public Health Collaboration 2023 Panel Discussion - 'Do we need to eat plants?'
Dr. Georgia Ede - 'Nutritional & Metabolic Psychiatry: The New Science of Hope'
Dr. David Unwin - 'What predicts drug-free type 2 diabetes remission?'